SeyiSounds is a rapper from Far Rockaway New York by way of Kansas City now. He has been on the podcast before on his last trip to LA and hes back again a year later to talk about where life has taken him and his musical pursuits. Enjoy the show where we talk about music, possibly living in LA and his recent move to Kansas City.
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WhyDBee is a rapper living in Los Angeles that came from the East Coast in order to pursue his love for music. He really is a talented individual so make sure to follow him @whydbee on Instagram in order to stay up to date on his album dropping soon. Enjoy
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Stephanie Gomez is a Le Cordon Bleu trained Chef and is currently working at Standing’s Butchery on Melrose and La Brea. Her passion for food drives her to pursuit the culinary arts no matter the angle. She’s worked in fancy restaurants, to country clubs to more recently managing food tents at the Coachella and Stage Coach festivals. In true fashion to follow passion she’s currently works as a butcher at Standing’s Butchery on Melrose and La Brea. Great conversation and phenomenal drive which I know everyone will appreciate when they listen to this podcast. Follow her on instagram at @chefchingona
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Stephen Martinez from the Mega Man podcast came through the Dude From LA studio to drop one of the best podcasts, what a guy. We had a great conversation about everything, make sure to follow him on instagram @themegamanpodcast and listen to his podcast he is racking up some great shows.
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Chola Orange, is band out of La Puente made up of Noah, Art, Kris, and Greg and they are producing some of the most unique blend of genres type music. The best description for their sound is as written in an OC Weekly article as “psychedelic, space-funk, video game, horror movie soundtrack that you remember dreaming about in the future”. They were a fun podcast and our conversation went like how their music sounds, a long stream of topics strung together into something super fun and totally Chola Orange. Follow them on instagram, buy their music on BandCamp and enjoy !
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The Midnight Weirdos are a local LA band made up of great talents. I learned about them through my younger sister who goes to High School with them and I knew their sound was legit from the first beat. Listen to me talk about what brought them together, their music training and what High School is like today. Make sure to follow them on instagram TheMidnightWeirdos. Enjoy
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